JBanner is a new Web Advertisement Presentation Software composed of simple Java applet. Presently, it is the role of the web advertisement to lead many netizens to oneÆs own site by displaying Web Advertisement GIF on popular sites.

    But the popular web sites have limited space for web advertisement, which is a disadvantage for a web site that wants to insert numerous advertisements.

    In the same way, the advertiser is restricted to place this advertisement on the spot he wants. JBanner is a new idea Web Advertisement Presentation Software which has been manufactured to solve those problems of the advertisement web sites and the advertiser.

    It makes it possible to insert web advertisements unlimitedly on even small advertisement spaces by playing animated GIF and image advertisements successively.

    Therefore, this is a software which not only raises web advertisement proceeds, but also satisfies the various needs of the advertiser with more diverse applications of web advertisement funds.

    Target Users

    • Popular web sites
    • Specialized web ads sites
    • The ones who are establishing EC web shopping malls.

    Main Features

    • Real time media mixing and selection(Animated GIF + Text)
    • Logical media Synchronization
    • Virtual VCR(Optional view)
    • Pure Java applet

    Developing Environments

    • Internet Explorer 4.0 or later version
    • Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later version
    • Web browsers supporting JDK 1.1 or later version
    • PC supporting audio is optional